Jumat, 10 Desember 2010

Tugas CCNA 3 Lab 3.3.2 Configuring, Verifying, and Troubleshooting VLANs

•  Observe default switch VLAN configuration and operation.
•  Configure static VLANs on a switch.
•  Verify VLAN configuration and operation.
•  Modify an existing VLAN configuration.
Background / Preparation
This lab focuses on the basic VLAN configuration of the Cisco 2960 switch (or similar) using Cisco IOS commands. The information in this lab applies to other switches; however, command syntax may vary. Depending upon the switch model, the interface designations may differ. For example, modular switches have multiple slots; therefore, the Fast Ethernet ports may be FastEthernet 0/1 or FastEthernet 1/1, depending on the slot and port. The router used can be any router.
The following resources are required:
•  One Cisco 2960 switch or equivalent switch
•  One Cisco 1841 router or equivalent
•  Two Windows-based PCs with a terminal emulation program
•  At least one RJ-45-to-DB-9 connector console cable to configure the switch and the router
•  Three straight-through Ethernet cables to connect from the PCs to Switch 1
NOTE: Make sure that the router and all the switches have been erased and have no startup configurations. For detailed instructions, refer to the Lab Manual that is located on Academy Connection in the Tools section.
NOTE: SDM Routers – If the startup-config is erased in an SDM router, SDM will no longer come up by default when the router is restarted. It will be necessary to build a basic router configuration using IOS commands. Contact your instructor if necessary.
Step 1: Connect the equipment
a.  Connect the router Fa0/0 interface with a straight-through cable to Switch 1 Fa0/8 interface.
b.  Connect the Host 1a Ethernet interface with a straight-through cable to Switch 1 Fa0/2 interface.
c.  Connect the Host 1b Ethernet interface with a straight-through cable to Switch 1 Fa0/3 interface.
d.  Connect a PC with a console cable to perform configurations on the router and switches.
e.  Configure IP addresses on the hosts as shown in the chart.
Step 2: Perform basic configuration on the router
a.  Connect a PC to the console port of the router to perform configurations using a terminal emulation program.
b.  Configure Router 1 with a hostname and console, Telnet, and privileged passwords according to the table diagram.
Step 3: Configure Switch 1
a.  Configure S1 hostname and passwords.
b.  Configure Switch 1 with a hostname and console, Telnet, and privileged passwords according to the
addressing table.
c.  Configure S1 with an IP address and default gateway.
S1(config)#interface vlan1
S1(config-if)#ip address
S1(config-if)#no shutdown
S1(config)#ip default-gateway
Step 4: Verify connectivity and default VLAN configuration
a.  Verify LAN connectivity by pinging from the router to the switch and the hosts. Also verify that you can ping from host to host.
b.  Verify default VLAN configuration with the show vlan command on S1.
S1#show vlan
Are all switch ports assigned to VLAN 1? Ya, VLAN 1 port switchnya memang pada S1
Step 5: Configure VLANs on S1
a.  Create and name two additional VLANs on S1.
S1(config)#vlan 20
S1(config-vlan)#name fred
S1(config)#vlan 30
S1(config-vlan)#name wilma
b.  Verify the creation of the new VLANs with the show vlan command.
S1#show vlan
Do the new VLANs appear in the output? ya
What interfaces belong to the new VLANs? R1 yaitu FA0/0
c.  Assign interfaces to VLANs. Assign S1 port Fa0/2 to VLAN 20 and ports Fa0/3 – Fa0/8 to VLAN 30.
S1(config)#int Fa0/2
S1(config-if)#switchport access vlan 20
S1(config-)#interface range Fa0/3 – 8

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