Sabtu, 08 Januari 2011

CCNA 4 Lab 3.2.3 Using Featur Navigator

Task 1: Create a Guest Registration
Step 1: Access the registration service
  1. Using a computer with Internet access, go the website
  2. On the top right of the page, click Register. The page that opens is Step 1 of 4 in the registration process.
Step 2: Complete the registration process
  1. Complete the registration information required for Step 1.
  2. On the next page, Step 2 of 4, select Home Address and enter either your academy address details or your personal address, and a telephone number. Click Submit.
  3. At the Your Interest and Preferences screen under Step 3 of 4, click Skip This Step if you are not employed. Completing this information is optional.
  4. At Step 4 of 4, the Complete Registration screen appears. You will be directed to your email account to activate your registration with
  5. Check the email account you registered with for an email with the subject “ Registration: Action required.” In the body of the email, click the account activation link, or copy and paste it into a browser address window.
1)     You will see the Successful Registration screen.
2)     You will receive a Registration Confirmation email with your User ID.
You can now access by clicking Log In at the top of the screen and entering your User ID and password.
Step 3: Test your Guest registration
  1. Using a computer with Internet access, go the website
  2. At the top right of the page, click Log In and log in using your username and password.
Task 2: Access Feature Navigator
Step 1: Access and log in to
  1. Using a computer with Internet access, go the website
  2. At the top right of the page, click Log In and log in using your username and password.
  3. Click Products and Services.
  4. Under Product Research Tools, click the Cisco Feature Navigator link.
Task 3Examine 1841 Router IOS Features
NOTE: It is important to distinguish between an IOS feature and a Feature Set.
  • An IOS feature is a specific facility that an IOS supports. Examples include support for a particular routing protocol (EIGRP or BGP), a WAN service (Frame Relay), or a VPN facility (IPSec).
  • A Feature Set is a group of features that differentiates one IOS image from another. Feature Sets have generalized names such as IP BASE, ADVANCED IP SERVICES, and ADVANCED ENTERPISE SERVICES.
Step 1: Search by feature
This assumes that you know which features you want your upgraded network to have.
  1. From the Cisco Feature Navigator page, click the Search by Feature link.
  2. From Available Features list, select the following features:
  • CallManager Express (CME) 3.0
  • IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6)
  • Mobile IP
  • Videoconferencing for the Cisco Multiservice IP-to-IP Gateway Feature
  • Voice Over IP (VoIP)
  1. Click the Add button for each feature selected. When done, click Continue.
  2. On the next screen, from the Platform drop-down menu, select 1841. From the Feature Setdropdown menu, select ADVANCED IP SERVICES.
Output similar to this will be displayed:
Release Image Name DRAM Flash
12.3(14)YT1 c1841-advipservicesk9-mz.123-14.YT1.bin 192 48
12.3(14)YT c1841-advipservicesk9-mz.123-14.YT.bin 192 48
12.3(8)YG4 c1841-advipservicesk9-mz.123-8.YG4.bin 192 64
12.3(8)YG3 c1841-advipservicesk9-mz.123-8.YG3.bin 192 64
12.3(8)YG2 c1841-advipservicesk9-mz.123-8.YG2.bin 192 64
12.3(8)YG c1841-advipservicesk9-mz.123-8.YG.bin 192 64
5. Note the DRAM and flash requirements for each image.
Step 2: Search by platform
  1. From the Cisco Feature Navigator page, click the Search by Platform link.
  2. List the four search objectives available:
  3. From the Platform drop-down menu, select 1841. Click Continue.
Step 3: Search by feature set
  1. From the Feature Set drop-down menu, select IP BASE.
  2. Examine the list of features.
  3. From the Feature Set drop-down menu, select ADVANCED IP SERVICES.
Note that the extra features listed include such features as:
  • • Analog Centralized Automatic Message Accounting E911 Trunk
  • • Analog DID (Direct Inward Dial)
  • • Call Admission Control for H.323 VoIP Gateways
  • • Caller ID
  • • Caller ID on Analog Voice Interfaces
  • • CallManager Express (CME) 3.1
  • • Cisco IOS Telephony Service (ITS) Version 2.1
  • • And various features for:
  • • H323
  • • MGCP – Media Gateway Control Protocol
  • • Mobile IP
  • • SIP (Session Initiation Protocol)
  • • Videoconferencing for the Cisco Multiservice IP-to-IP Gateway Feature
  • • VoIP (Voice over IP)
Step 4: Compare images
In this step, it is assumed that you know some release and version details about the IOS images but not the exact features of each.
  1. Click the Compare Images tab on the current page or the Compare Images link on the Cisco Feature Navigator page.
  2. Under Select First Image Parameters, make a selection from each drop-down list, for example: Software: IOS, Major Release: 12.4, Release Number: 12.4(1a), Platform: 1841, Feature Set: IP BASE
  3. Under Select Second Image Parameters, make a selection from each drop-down list, for example: Software: IOS, Major Release: 12.4, Release Number: 12.4(10b), Platform: 1841, Feature Set: ADVANCED IP SERVICES
  4. Note the information displayed:
  • • Image information for each IOS
  • • Features unique to each image
  • • Common features in both images (scroll half-way down the page)
Task 4: Examine 2960 Switch IOS Features
Step 1: Search by platform
  1. Return to the Cisco Feature Navigator page and click the Search by Platform link.
  2. From the Platform drop-down menu, select CAT2960 and click Continue.
Step 2: Search by feature set
  1. From the Feature Set drop-down menu, select LAN BASE.
  2. Examine the list of features.
  3. Examine some of the features listed by clicking on the links.
  4. Select various Major Release and Release values from those respective menus. Note the IOS image filenames and memory requirements.
  5. Return to the Cisco Feature Navigator. From the Platform drop-down menu, select CAT3560and click Continue.
  6. Examine the list of features.
Which significant Layer 3 protocol family is included in the feature set? Jawaban: IP and IPv6
What is the significance of this difference between 2960 and 3560 switches? Jawaban: A 2960 is an Access Layer switch that operates at OSI Layer 2, whereas a 3560 has OSI Layer 3 switching capability for use in the Core Layer of the network.
Task 5: Reflection
The recording and documentation of network features and services, and the devices that provide them, are important features of network management. Consider and explore the resources and information that can facilitate this task.
Jawaban: the students should be able to demonstrate that they can effectively search and retrieve technical information from the website.

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